Thursday, 17 February 2011

Thriller Posters - Case Study 2 - Inception

From the name of the title to the background image we are hit with this imaganitive, mysterious poster. "Your mind is the scene of the crime' is an unusually tag line and draws readers in. What does it mean? That the knowledge is in someone's head? No, doesn't make sense. Doesn't conform with the background.

The warped sense of direction is intriguing and you just know you are going ot like this film. The upside down characters has a sort of psychological effect or meaning, as being upside down is defying the laws of gravity and we don't enjoy change or rules of comformity being broken.

The buildings are all dark but reflective, and so the faint light emerging from behind has a greater effect in contrasting with the blue-grey-black theme.

It is also important to note that all the characters are wearing smart clothes or suits, the smartest being at the front. There is also the main figure of Leonardo DiCaprio, standing slihhtly apart from the rest - to signify this male power perhaps or the theme of a lone hero against the world.

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